"Illuminating hearts and minds.... creatively!"


...become a Visioneer!
Who are we?....
Thank you for your interest in Clearvision Communications, with your indulgence a brief introduction!!
Steven M. Lyles, head Clearvisioneer, a man who loves God, comic books, and all things creative and uplifting, saw a void develop in the literary and visual arenas of entertainment. Gone were the stories and situations that brought encouragement and inspiration to people, only to be replaced by mindless violence and gratuitous self-indulgent behavior. Through ClearVision the hope is to change this landscape.
Offering new online comic titles like “Starchild and Saren”, twin alien siblings, sent to Earth to learn the value of peace, who along with their human companions battle evil whenever it rears its ugly head, for “adventure shall always be a part of their lives.” “Truth and Justice”, a story very near the world of today, every element of crime has banded together to form a ConGlomerate that takes over your city. Harrison Meeko, young super-spy, will learn that through faith and prayer, one man can make a difference. Also coming soon, a novella series featuring “The Amen”, based on “The Amen” comic, an allegorical novella series about Christianity featured in the graphic anthology, "New Visions”. The anthology experienced a complete sell-out of its first printing, and will soon see a make over and re-release. It was co-published by ClearVision Communications and New Creation Publishing.
ClearVision will continue to be a community involved company, as well as a publisher of those things that “educate and enlighten”. Having participated in Los Angeles' local community venues such as the “Black Writers on Tour” of which they were a participant for several years, they’ve also been a part of the Los Angeles Public Library’s “Teen ComicAge & Animation Festival “as well as the “Malcolm X Festival”, which featured local businesses, restaurants, novelists and a host of others.
Novellas, comic books, greeting cards, graphic children's books, all this and more can be found here within the halls that are ClearVision! So join us on this quest to leave behind a better world for our children’s children.
By illuminating hearts and minds… creatively!